The Membranes of Comprehension in Javier Marias's Novels

Adrian NIȚĂ
The Membranes of Comprehension in Javier Marias's Novels
"Constantin Radulescu-Motru" Philosophy and Psychology Institute; “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University
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The theme of understanding in a sense of comprehension is well illustrated in literature by Javier Marias – a Spanish writer born in 1951, son of the Spanish philosopher Julian Marias Aguilera (1914-2005), who lived a great deal of time abroad (America) and who also studied and taught in England. The paper is focused, from an inter- and multi-disciplinary approach of philosophy, literature and ethics, on the problem of the “exile from the world,” with a special focus on identity, trans-world identity and implications for the moral aspects. The present paper begins with a summary analysis of the idea of exile from the world, continuing with several considerations on the membranes of the world and the membranes of the good, and ending with a few words about the world, truth and identity.

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