One Language, Two Perspectives: Irish English and Identity in the Global Context

Raluca-Georgiana DEACONEASA
One Language, Two Perspectives: Irish English and Identity in the Global Context
Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca
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This paper explores the case of Irish  English  with  an emphasis on the relationship between language and identity. Within the mosaic of World Englishes, Irish English occupies its own place,  as  its emergence can be considered a form of resistance  from the  forces of colonialism.  The essay is divided into two main parts. The first section investigates irregularities in morphology and syntax with examples taken from the forms of the language spoken in Galway and Dublin, alongside external influences observed at the phonetic level. From these perspectives, the second part of the paper will further illustrate the status of the Irish language, culture, and identity within the global context,  seeking  to  see  if future generations will continue to be part of what  now  bears  the name of Irish nation.

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