Floods are natural phenomena and an element of Earth’s natural hydrological cycle; they have always existed and will continue to exist. From this point of view, flood risk assessment and management is essential. Floods cannot be avoided, but can be managed, and their effects can be reduced by a systematic process of measures and actions meant to diminish the risks associated with this phenomenon. Floods do not know national frontiers, thus the common actions of member states are called for, and the principle of solidarity must play a fundamental role. The initiatives of European officials concretized in Directive 2007/60 regarding flood risk assessment and management. The Directive will be implemented in member states in three stages: a) preliminary flood risk assessment; b) flood hazard mapping and flood risk mapping; c) establishment of flood risk management plans. The target of Directive 2007/60 is the setting of a framework for flood risk assessment and management with a view to reduce negative consequences for human health, environment, cultural heritage, and economic activity.
The Necessity to Initiate and Develop Common Directions in the Assessment and Management of Flood Risks at European Community Level
Ruxandra-Mălina PETRESCU-MAG, Lucrina ŞTEFĂNESCU
The Necessity to Initiate and Develop Common Directions in the Assessment and Management of Flood Risks at European Community Level
Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj
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