Today, when the scope of mass media has evidently outrun that of philosophy, being equalled with culture itself, the issue is how and to what extent the philosopher may share his “wisdom”, “truth”, or “knowledge” with the par excellence representative of these mass media: the journalist. Philosophy cannot confront itself with media unless it becomes an effective communication practice, meaning that it can change the way we communicate with ourselves and, by our own existence, with others as well. Due to the recent overtness of culture as a result of electronic media, the philosopher has the chance of becoming once more, albeit in communication alone, the old existential actor that he had once been, incorporating into his own existence the preceding text of his own thinking or of tradition.
Mass media and Philosophy: The Philosopher as a Journalist, Or the Synthesis of an Ostensive Ideology
Aurel-Teodor CODOBAN
Mass media and Philosophy: The Philosopher as a Journalist, Or the Synthesis of an Ostensive Ideology
Department of Philosophy Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj,
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