A Legal Manuscript of 1784, Reflecting the Possessory Rights of the Romanian Pastoral Village of Rășinari

A Legal Manuscript of 1784, Reflecting the Possessory Rights of the Romanian Pastoral Village of Rășinari
The Institute of History “George Barițiu” of the Romanian Academy, Cluj-Napoca
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The study presents Transmissionales in causa Possesionis Resinar contra Liberam Regiamque Civitatem Cibiniensem 1784, a manuscript volume of 1,318 pages, preserved at the Church Museum of the Bishops’ House in Rășinari, Sibiu county, transcribed entirely and translated partially by a group of medieval and modern history researchers from the “George Barițiu” Institute of History of the Romanian Academy in Cluj-Napoca. As the urbarial trials filed in court by the Romanian inhabitants of Rășinari against the Saxon Magistrate of  the Sibiu city  and seat lasted over half a century (1735-1784), these Transmissionales fully  reflect the course followed by the civil juridical documents (regarding either legal actions or procedures) in South Transylvania during the 18th century. The article also shows the contents, structure, as well as an essential chronology of the  volume of Transmissionales, followed by its  comprehensive  annexes  (including the conscription of Rășinari from 1754-1784, diplomas and juridical documents from the 13th-18th centuries).

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