Lack and the Fullness of Being – Dilemmas and Solutions in the Hungarian Philosophical Thought

Ildikó VERES
Lack and the Fullness of Being – Dilemmas and Solutions in the Hungarian Philosophical Thought
Institute of Philosophy, University of Miskolc, Hungary
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In the first half of the 20th century the interpretation of lack was a central problem in the philosophy of Károly Böhm and of the Kolozsvár School’s outstanding members (Sándor Makkai, Béla Varga). Böhm analyzed it mainly from metaphysical and epistemological points of view and then from the perspective of the theory of values and ethics. In his system we shall consider the relationship between these. In Béla Varga’s philosophy we shall analyze the relationship between lack and conscience, the fullness of being, in Sándor Makkai’s theory the connections of infinity and lack. Meanwhile we shall make a digression to discuss the issues of “defective reality” and the lack of good at Béla Brandenstein. Finally, we shall tackle József Révay’s theory regarding moral paradoxes.

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[*] This study has been developed from several of my writings published in this field. The paper was elaborated within OTKA project no. 76865, entitled “A Priori Knowledge and Philosophic Cognition”.