To bridge the Great Divide between subject and object, Bruno Latour uses the notions of 'agency', which neutralises this division, and 'metamorphic zone', as the place where 'performances' of an anonymous agency are translated into 'skills' of an identified agent. But in literature, as the repressed often returns in defence formations, this translation tends to describe agents in the distorted guise of subjects – i.e. as persons or characters. This article proposes to re- evaluate the notion of agency in the light of the notion of form, and thus explore a way to shunt the anthropormorphic bias where still dwells the spectre of our thwarted modernity.
A Goats Story. Postcards from the “Metamorphic Zone”
Jean-Christophe CAVALLIN
A Goats Story. Postcards from the “Metamorphic Zone”
Université Aix-Marseille
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