The paper deals with the medical-historical-statistical writings of Eduard Gusbeth, who worked as physician in Braşov, at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. This kind of writing can be seen as a chronicle of a modern city, of its coming into being, its consolidation, its successes and problems, not only from a medical point of view (state of physical health, health care, hygiene), but also from other perspectives, some of them with no connection to medicine (like the theatre or inauguration of monuments). Gusbeth’s chronicle of urban modernization is seen in the context of the birth of the modern city in Europe and in the context of the struggle between a multi-ethnic community, which defines itself as a trilingual urban community, and the state-sponsored nation-building with its obsession of linguistic and cultural conformity.
Eine Chronik der modernen Stadt: Die medizinisch-historisch-statistischen Arbeiten von Eduard Gusbeth (Zur Geschichte der Sanitäts-verhältnisse in Kronstadt, Das Gesundheitswesen in Kronstadt und Die Gesundheitspflege in Kronstadt im 19. Jahrhundert)
Eine Chronik der modernen Stadt: Die medizinisch-historisch-statistischen Arbeiten von Eduard Gusbeth (Zur Geschichte der Sanitäts-verhältnisse in Kronstadt, Das Gesundheitswesen in Kronstadt und Die Gesundheitspflege in Kronstadt im 19. Jahrhundert)
Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj
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