Dr. György Versényi: Discovering the Story Behind Three of His Poems

Dr. György Versényi: Discovering the Story Behind Three of His Poems
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Author's email: 
ionut.julean@arch.utcluj.ro, dana.julean@arch.utcluj.ro

At the beginning of the 20th century, György Versényi published three poems which capture the unbroken link to his roots and native places. These became increasingly important as life had pulled him away from this setting, which he would revisit just after reaching his maturity. Each of these three poems concentrates on a specific theme: his idilic memory of the native village as opposed to the real situation, the perpetual fostering of the ancestors, and the decayed and desacralised image of the house he was born in. The article analyses these aspects, focusing on the stories behind each of them.

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