Aura POENARPerforming Identities. Reframing Cities as Multifocal Narratives for Art, Performance and Theatre Mai mult... despre Performing Identities. Reframing Cities as Multifocal Narratives for Art, Performance and Theatre
Cristina MODREANUUtopii performative. Artişti radicali ai scenei americane în secolul 21/Performative Utopia. Radical Artists of the American Stage in the 21st Century, Bucharest: Humanitas, 2014, 194 p.Recenzie de: Miruna RUNCAN Mai mult... despre Utopii performative. Artişti radicali ai scenei americane în secolul 21/Performative Utopia. Radical Artists of the American Stage in the 21st Century, Bucharest: Humanitas, 2014, 194 p.