The Romantic Historicism and The Rise of the Historical Novel in the 19th Century Romanian Literature

Alexandra OLTEANU
The Romantic Historicism and The Rise of the Historical Novel in the 19th Century Romanian Literature
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iași
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The present study explores the definitions and evolutionary trajectories of the novel and novella genres within Romanian literary theory and practice. It navigates through terminological overlaps and historical contexts, particularly focusing on the challenges inherent in defining the novella. Through an examination of Romanian literary history, the emergence of the novella is unravelled within the romantic historicist matrix and its successive transformation into a precursor of the novel during the 19th century. The thematic richness, stylistic diversity, and cultural significance of Romanian historical fiction are also explored, shedding light on their role in shaping cultural memory and historical consciousness. The paper also describes the hybrid nature of Romanian historical novel, illustrating its evolution amidst socio-political and cultural upheavals, notably after the revolutionary period of 1848.

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