Noah’s Ark, Or Memory as Cultural Heritage

Noah’s Ark, Or Memory as Cultural Heritage
“Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca
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The text reviews one issue of the French journal EspaceTemps, entitled Transmettre aujourd’hui. Retour vers le future, and having as its subject matter the problem of cultural transmission and inheritance in the widest sense. The journal review is in fact an opportunity to discuss the problem of cultural heritage as a relevant issue in contemporary historical thinking. The overall presentation of the volume is followed by a detailed discussion of some of the major articles in the issue, signed by prestigious historians and philologists like Patrick Garcia, Jean Davallon, and Philippe Lejeune, as illustrative for the whole issue. The presentation also gives way to continuous reference to outstanding works in the field by Pierre Nora, Paul Ricoeur, or David Lowenthal.

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