Preparing for European unification requires a conceptual clearing-up. From the point of view of unification Europeanness must be judged according to institutions and culture, not by the geography and history of Europe. However, the institutions are objectifications of culture, therefore the dissensions concerning affiliation with Europe belong to the field of culture. In the author's opinion European cultural specificity consists of the following facts: a) it activates the behaviour characterized by economic rationality, allowing for the estimation of profitable results; b) it is a culture of effective administration supported by law; c) it promotes personal liberty conceived as the autonomy of the individual; d) it is a culture of systematic research and of transforming reality according to the individual objective; e) at the same time it is a spiritual culture capable of the thoughtful use of traditions.
Europe and European Characteristics
Andrei MARGA
Europe and European Characteristics
Rector of the "Babeş-Bolyai" University, Cluj-Napoca