Dr. Ștefan Jarda, the Fist Secretary General of the University of Superior Dacia in Cluj

Alexandru PĂCURAR
Dr. Ștefan Jarda, the Fist Secretary General of the University of Superior Dacia in Cluj

After the unification of Transylvania with Romania, the Ruling Council’s major desiderata included the establishment and organization of Romanian higher education at the University of Superior Dacia in Cluj, as well as starting the first academic year in the autumn of 1919. Among those who answered the call launched by the founding Rector, Professor Sextil Pușcariu, was Dr. Ștefan Jarda, a specialist in legal studies, who served as General Secretary of the Cluj-based University from 1 October 1919 until his untimely death, on 6 March 1927. Born into a historical family from the Năsăud area, with a long “pedagogical” tradition, Ștefan Jarda graduated from the Faculty of Law of Universitas Litterarum Regia Hungarica Francisco-Josephina Kolozsváriensis, becoming its first Secretary General after it was turned into a Romanian university and contributing to laying and strengthening its foundations. His activity was held in very high regard and his untimely death sparked many regrets.

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