The great majority of geographic hazards developed in the East of the Apuseni Mountains (flash floods, floods and inundations, land instability phenomena, and the pollution of watercourses) are caused by heavy rainfalls. In order to study and statistically analyze the maximum precipitations (monthly and seasonal frequency, quantities with different probabilities of exceedance, maximum intensity) we collected data referring to the highest annual daily amounts of precipitation recorded in a series of raingauge stations in a period of 28 years (1978–2005). The results obtained from the analysis of the maximum precipitations are important starting points for the evaluation of environmental risks.
Analysis of the Maximum Precipitations in the East of the Apuseni Mountains
Viorel ARGHIUŞ, Cristian MALOŞ
Analysis of the Maximum Precipitations in the East of the Apuseni Mountains
Department of Environmental Sciences, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj
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