2 X Anna Korda - An Introspective Radiography of Two Historical Paintings. The Portraits of the Last Two Women of Their Kin

2 X Anna Korda - An Introspective Radiography of Two Historical Paintings. The Portraits of the Last Two Women of Their Kin
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Email autor: 
ionut.julean@arch.utcluj.ro, dana.julean@arch.utcluj.ro

The article is an in depth investigation, which brings face to face two almost unknown portraits belonging to the Transylvanian heritage. They represent unique traces, two instances as an introspective glimpse into the history of an aristocratic family that became extinct more than 100 years ago. The genealogy of the Korda family is quite intricate, thus, virtually infinite connections begin to unfold, bringing together people, places, stories, houses, objects which sometimes are surprisingly scattered in space and time. The research is contextualised within the broader issue of heritage assets in contemporary Romania.

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