Ubi sunt...

Voichiţa SASU
Ubi sunt...
Faculty of Letters, "Babeş-Bolyai" University, Cluj

Ubi sunt, a widespread theme in addressing the greatness of former times can already be found in sacred books. Acknowledging the irrecoverable disappearance of the golden age, the whole ancient and neo-testamentary meditation on vanity developed a specific attitude towards time and its effect on man.

The study analyses the process of literarisation of this theme in medieval French literature (in the works of Eustache Deschamps, Jehan Regnier, François Villon and Eustache Marcadé.) Later on the theme entered Romanian literature with interesting variants, through the works of Neagoe Basarab, Dimitrie Cantemir, Miron Costin and 19th century poets. Mingled with romantic motives the ubi sunt theme can be found in 20th century Romanian literature, especially poetry.

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