Public Policies for Cultural Heritage Valorization in the 20th Century. Case Study of Cities’ Soft Power Consolidation Processes in Verona and Bistrita

Veaceslav MIR
Public Policies for Cultural Heritage Valorization in the 20th Century. Case Study of Cities’ Soft Power Consolidation Processes in Verona and Bistrita
Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca
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Public administration is a complex structure, which, because of its excessive bureaucratization, is extremely difficult to change. The present study of cities’ soft power consolidation processes was possible due to the interdisciplinary approach that combines expertise in public administration and history. The aim was to identify the causal links between cultural institutions and creative industries and the role played by public administration in the development of the city through an overarching cultural policy. The present study presents the results of a comparative interdisciplinary approach to the consolidation of the cities’ soft power through the valorization of cultural heritage, relying on the example of the cities of Verona and Bistrita.

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