The Founding Attempts of the Literary Historian. Solitudes, Singularities, Exemplarities

Ioana BOT
The Founding Attempts of the Literary Historian. Solitudes, Singularities, Exemplarities
Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca
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The present study reviews D. Popovici’s founding attempts in the field of literary history. It pursues his activity along four  axes:  critical editions of modern Romanian authors,  studies  in  literary history, university lectures and “Studii literare” [Literary Studies], the scientific journal he founded as a professor of Cluj University. Both original and modern in his theoretic, methodologic as well as academic options, Popovici is a founder of institutions and initiator of a research school. His scientific projects are singular in their scope. Yet his critic posterity destines him to an unwarranted “singularity”. Our reflection focuses upon the exemplary elements in the scholar’s destiny.

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