Translation and Logical Sense in the Dictionary of Proverbs

László GÁL
Translation and Logical Sense in the Dictionary of Proverbs
Faculty of Philosophy, "Babeş-Bolyai" University, Cluj

The study answers a number of issues: 1.How can we define logical sense and meaning? 2. What is the social status of proverbs as forms of theorising which belong to the traditional quotidian? 3. How can the language of the logic of propositions be used in the analysis of the logical structure of proverbs? 4. Do the logical operators of proverbs in different languages have different social distributions? 5. Does the logical sense of proverbs change in case of translation? 6. Is the logic of proverbs bivalent or polivalent?

The author tries to answer these questions applying the language of the logic of propositions to the natural language of objects. The result is the symbolic form of 1287 proverbs in Romanian and Hungarian. The statistic processing of these symbolic forms allows for an original comparative analysis.

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